Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Using Multiplication to Convert Units of Measure

Watch this video as many times as you need.  Then WSQ in your notes.  Use the tables below the video to help you convert units.  If you are stuck on the last two problems, check below the conversion chart for more detailed solutions.

1. How do I set up a unit conversion problem?
2. What are the steps to solving a unit conversion problem?
3. What is dimensional analysis?

Solutions to the last two problems:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Using the Division Algorithm

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Answer the summary questions below.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.

1. Write a mnemonic device (like PEMDAS or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is used to help remember the Order of Operations) for the steps in the division algorithm.
2. What are the steps of the division algorithm? 

Modeling Division with Area Models

Watch this video as many times as you need to and complete the companion worksheet.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Estimation with Whole Numbers (Rounding)

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Answer the summary questions below.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.


  1. Which digit in a given number determines if you round up or down?
  2. When do you round up?
  3. When do you round down?
  4. What do you do with all digits that come after the place column you are rounding to?

Monday, August 21, 2017

Prime Factorization

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Answer the summary questions below.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.

1. What are prime numbers?
2. List the steps for finding the Prime Factorization of a number.
3. How can you simplify the Prime Factorization of a number once you have listed all of the prime factors?
4. How are factoring and evaluating related?

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Watch this video as many times as you need to, then fill in the second side of the sieve.

Don't forget to list at least 3 observations you made throughout the lesson on the bottom of the back side.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Exploring Division Problems through Factors of 10

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video by answering the questions below on the left hand side of the page in your composition book.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

You will be asked to pause several times throughout this video and make observations about the problems you will be asked to work out.  Put all observations in the work section of you composition book.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Decimals Online Study Group

Things you will need to know for the test:

  • Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide decimals
  • Multiply/Divide decimals with models
  • Estimate products and quotients
  • Solve Word Problems that have Decimals in the problem and/or solution.
Use the comment section below to ask questions or respond to questions asked by a classmate.  I will be checking the comment section at 8:30 each evening the week of the test to answer questions as well.

Helpful Study Tips:
  • Look over/correct Quizzes
  • Re-watch videos from this unit. (They can all be found here.) ONLY WATCH the videos you feel you need to review.  DO NOT WATCH ALL OF THE VIDEOS AGAIN!!
  • Look over your WSQs and Notes we took as a class 
  • Check over/do your study guides.
  • Use your textbook to work on sample problems on areas you are concerned about. Chapter 3
  • Try out some of the problems on the your quadrant work from this unit.
  • Play the games at the bottom of the Unit Guide
  • Participate in the Online Group discussion in the comment section below.
  • Ask Mrs. Sopko if you have any further questions in the comments section below.

Test Structure:
  • There are no multiple choice questions on the test.  
  • The test is set up very similar to the quizzes.  You will have to compute some answers and you will need to explain some of your answers.

Dividing Decimals by Decimals Using Models

Watch this video as many times as you need.  (Note that there are additional related videos by other teachers on the right side of the video on YouTube. Feel free to watch these as well to help you understand this concept as needed.)

Use the companion worksheet to complete the work for this video.

On the back of your worksheet, write down any observations or patterns you notice.  Then, write a rule for dividing decimals by decimals.

Dividing with Decimals Using Money

Watch this video as many times as you need.  (Note that there are additional related videos by other teachers on the right side of the video on YouTube. Feel free to watch these as well to help you understand this concept as needed.)

Use the companion worksheet to complete the work for this video.

Set up for Guided Notes in your Composition Book:

1. Look at the patterns/observations you made throughout the video and write a rule for dividing with decimals.

Dividing Decimals by Decimals Using the Standard Algorithm

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  Turn your paper sideways so you can use the vertical lines to organize your work. 

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video by answering the questions below on the left hand side of the page in your composition book.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.


  1. How do you rewrite a division problem when there is a decimal in the divisor?
  2. Why does this work? (You will need to use what you already know from an earlier lesson to answer this question.)
  3. What do you do once you have rewritten your problem?
  4. How do you know where to place the decimal in your quotient?

Dividing with Decimals Using the Standard Algorithm

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  Turn your paper sideways so you can use the vertical lines to organize your work. 

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video by answering the questions below on the left hand side of the page in your composition book.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.


  1. What do you need to do when your division problem has a remainder?
  2. What do you do with the decimal once you found your quotient?
  3. How do you know when to stop dividing?

Multiplying Decimals Using the Standard Algorithm

Watch this video as many times as you need.  Complete all questions throughout the video.  Don't forget to WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

1. How do you multiply decimals?
2. Where do you put your decimal in your product?

Multiplying with Decimal Models

Watch this video as many times as you need.  (Note that there are additional related videos by other teachers on the right side of the video on YouTube. Feel free to watch these as well to help you understand this concept as needed.)

Use the companion worksheet to complete the work for this video.

1. Look at the patterns/observations you made throughout the video and write a rule for multiplying decimals.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

1. Define like terms.
2. Describe how you combine like terms.

Part I:

Part II:

Here is a longer version of this lesson if needed:

Distributive Property Review

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.


Describe how to rewrite the sum of two numbers using the distributive property.

Using the Coordinate Plane

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in you notes. Use this document as a reference as you compelte these quadrants. Su...