Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Percents Greater than 100% and Less than 1%

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your composition book.

1. How do you convert percents greater than 100% or less than 1% to fractions and decimals?
2. How do you convert decimals or mixed numbers to percents?
3. How do you convert fractions or mixed numbers to percents?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Using Diagrams to Answer Percent Problems

Watch this video as many times a you need, then WSQ in  your notes.

1) How do you determine the percents to use on a diagram?
2) How is using the percent diagram to answer percent problems similar to using a table to answer ratio problems?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Converting Between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

1. How do you turn an improper fraction into a mixed number?
2. How do you turn a mixed number into an improper fraction?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fractions and Percents

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

1. How do you convert a fraction into a percent?
2. How do you convert a percent into a fraction?

Fractions and Decimals

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

1. How to you turn a fraction into a decimal?
2. How do you turn a decimal into a fraction?
3. How do you convert a fraction to a decimal if you can not make the denominator a power of 10?

Decimals and Percents (Dr. Pepper)

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in you notes.

1. How do you convert a decimal into a percent?
2. How do you convert a percent into a decimal?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Finding GCF by Simplification

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.

1.  How do you find the GCF of two numbers by simplification?
2. What are the pros (benefits) of using this method?
3. What are the cons (drawbacks) of using this method?

Solutions to Work:

Monday, August 22, 2016

Finding GCF Using Factors

Watch this video as many times as you need. WSQ in your notebooks.  

W = Work out any problems assigned during the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video. This can also be a question that sparks discussion or causes other to think about the topic more deeply.

1.  How do you find the GCF using factor lists?
2. What are the pros (benefits) to using this method?
3. What are the cons (drawbacks) to using this method?

Solution to #5: GCF = 3

Friday, April 8, 2016


as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Use the questions below to guide your summary.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. What is Volume?
  2. How do you calculate the volume of a rectangular prism/cube?
  3. What are the units you use when calculating volume?

Solution to Final Problem:

Surface Area

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Use the questions below to guide your summary.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. How many faces are on a rectangular prism/cube?
  2. What is Surface Area?
  3. How do you find surface area?
  4. What are the units you use when you find surface area?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dividing Mixed Numbers

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Use the questions below to guide your summary.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:
  1. How do you change a mixed number into an improper fraction?
  2. How do you change a whole number in to an improper fraction?
  3. How do you divide with mixed numbers?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Dividing Fractions

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  Use the questions below to guide your summary.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:
  1. What is a reciprocal?
  2. How can you find the reciprocal of a mixed number?
  3. How do you divide fractions?

Solutions to Work:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Watch this video  as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. How do you turn a mixed number into an improper fraction?
  2. How do you turn an improper fraction into a mixed number?
  3. What are the steps for multiplying mixed numbers?

Friday, January 29, 2016

Multiplying Fractions by Fractions

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. List at least 3 observations you made while watching the video.  Be specific.
  2. What is the relationship between the numerators in the factors and the numerator in the product?
  3. What is the relationship between the denominators in the factors and the denominators in the product?
  4. Write a rule for multiplying fractions.
  5. Justify your answers in the work portion of the video with models.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. What operation does the word "of" usually tell you to use?
  2. How can you write a whole number as a fraction?
  3. What observations can you make about the product in relation to the factors (problem)?
  4. Write a set of procedures for multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

Using the Coordinate Plane

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in you notes. Use this document as a reference as you compelte these quadrants. Su...