Friday, January 29, 2016

Multiplying Fractions by Fractions

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. List at least 3 observations you made while watching the video.  Be specific.
  2. What is the relationship between the numerators in the factors and the numerator in the product?
  3. What is the relationship between the denominators in the factors and the denominators in the product?
  4. Write a rule for multiplying fractions.
  5. Justify your answers in the work portion of the video with models.

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in your notes.

W = Work out any problems you are given in the video in your notes.
S = Summarize the video.  This can be done using bullets.  List at least 3 things you learned from this video or important things to remember about this lesson.
Q = Question you have or a question someone else might have about the information in the video.

Summary Questions:

  1. What operation does the word "of" usually tell you to use?
  2. How can you write a whole number as a fraction?
  3. What observations can you make about the product in relation to the factors (problem)?
  4. Write a set of procedures for multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

Using the Coordinate Plane

Watch this video as many times as you need, then WSQ in you notes. Use this document as a reference as you compelte these quadrants. Su...